Quick Takes: social network fatigue

(Introducing the new feature “Quick Takes” on this blog; very brief posts on very timely topics with more detailed discussion to follow as warranted.)

A recent survey from the Pew Internet & American Life Project finds that while 45% of the U.S. population across all age categories are positive regarding using computer and mobile devices for social networking, fully 48% are essentially “not so inclined”, feel tech devices are overwhelming to them, and often steer clear of internet use.

The bottom line: there may be a point of no return – in terms of “return on investment” so to speak in regard to the networking phenomenon. Twitter “tweets” and Facebook “status updates” may not constitute the “quality” interactions we really crave.  Some studies in the field of psychology and social psychology indicate that a real rather than virtual conversation with an “actual” friend is much more fulfilling than the 140 character maximum communication of a  “tweet”.

Read more related to social networking at:  http://www.pewinternet.org/


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